Journey to Learning Korean 4

Pin-Yi Li
2 min readNov 30, 2020


For this week lesson we learned about eating. Through the lesson I was aable to learn the expression of being hungry and how to say what I want to eat. The teachers started with the basics like every week on the vocabulary that will be necessary to learn such as :
1 배 肚子 Stomach 2 고프다 餓 Hungry
3 뭘(무엇을) 什麼 What
4 먹다 吃 Eat 5 -고 싶다 想 Want
6 무슨 什麼 what 7 비빔밥 拌飯 Bibimbap
8 좋아하다 喜歡 Like 9 같이 一起 Together
10 가다 去 Go 왕리: 배 고파요.我餓了 I’m Hungry

This section teaches us how to communicate with someone on what ingredient or food we would like to eat. Communicating effectively is important when asking what to eat.
박성호: 뭘 먹고 싶어요?你想吃什麼? What do you want to eat?
왕리: 저는 한국요리를 먹고 싶어요.我想吃韓國菜 I want to eat Korean cuisine
박승호: 무슨 한국요리를 먹고 싶어요? 你喜歡吃什麼韓國菜 What type of Korean cuisine do you like?
왕리: 저는 비빔밥을 좋아해요. 我喜歡吃拌飯 I like to eat Bibimbap
박성호: 저도 비빔밥을 좋아해요. 우리 같이 가요. 我也喜歡吃拌飯我們一起去吧。 I also like to eat Bibimbap lets go together.

The teachers then give’s a mini and more detailed lesson on some grammar changes when adding a verb. Quite a few end in the -da sound. The last part of a sentence is the verb. The verb is conjugated for things like tense and formality level. The most formal sentences, like those on the news, has all of their statements (not questions, those end in -kka) ending in “-da” (sounds like -imnida).

She then teaches other important factors when speaking Korean which is 을/를 (eul/reul) is an object marking particle. It marks the object of the sentence, the noun that the verb of the sentence is acting upon. This particle is typically used in conjunction with action verb.

Like other Korean particles, 을 (eul) is a postposition. It marks the preceding noun as the direct object of the following verb. 을 (-eul) only comes after a word ending in a consonant

For the continuing parts of the lesson the teacher explain how to say the ingredients of certain Korean food.

Gimpab is a famous Korean food which is various vegetable and meat wrapped in seaweed often eating during picnic, school and other outdoor event. An easy lunch to have around and eat. The second food being Ginseng soup, the third being spicy Korean rice cake are and last but not least the unique cold noodle served with ice. Using the food we are able to practice the conversation taught before in the lesson.



Pin-Yi Li
Pin-Yi Li

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